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Sole Trader
To avail of a loan, you will need to be a member of the credit union or eligible for membership. Joining is easy. To be eligible to join Capital Credit Union you need to Live / Work / Study in our catchment area. This includes most parts of – Dublin 2 / 4 / 6 / 6W / 8 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18, South County Dublin & North Wicklow
The documentation requirements depend on the amount that you will borrow and the lending purpose. When you fill out your loan application form we’ll send you an email with details of what we require.
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To avail of a loan, your business will need to be a member of the credit union or be eligible for membership.
Joining is easy. To be eligible to join Capital Credit Union you need to Live / Work / Study in our catchment area. This includes most parts of – Dublin 2 / 4 / 6 / 6W / 8 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18, South County Dublin & North Wicklow.
A business (whether incorporated or unincorporated, that is, a company, a partnership, a group or a society) can be admitted to membership of a credit union, if the majority of members are eligible for membership of the credit union in their own right.
The financial documentation requirements depend on the amount that you will borrow and the lending purpose. When you fill out your loan application form we’ll send you an email with details of what we require.